Dave got his Ranger School slot!!! WOOHOO! or rather Hooah!
Class 001-08 begins October 12th and ends December 12th. He will be at Fort Benning for phase one: Darby Phase, in North Georgia for Phase II: Mountain Phase, and Florida for Phase III: Swamp Phase. It is a total of 61-62 days; however, it is RARE that one goes through without being recycled at one phase or another.
One of our friends has done a fabulous job of journaling throughout the entire process you can take a look at it: www.gabeandlaura.blogspot.com.
Here are some links with schedules and more journals from guys who have done through it to give you an idea of what he will be doing and how you can better pray for him throughout this process:
Or you can check out youtube to watch the nine part video on Ranger School.
Quick Family Updates:
-Jon is in Louisianan doing training with his unit out of Ft. Bragg, NC.
-Charlie is with his Ranger Bat out of Savannah, GA. Dad and Jess have moved to Savannah. Jess can now be considered a Georgia Peach as she has mastered the art of Grits. =)
-Krissy and Shane are with the kids in Minnesota.
Pope Family:
-Bryan and Jenn, Steph & Casey: You can catch up with them by clicking on the links on the right side of the page.
-Mom & Mike - enjoying being out of the hot sun of Oklahoma and being at home. They've been super busy all summer. Time to relax and enjoy not doing anything.
Haynes Family
- Zac and Sissy are in Hawaii loving every minute of it.
-Adam is in an undisclosed location having a blast, avoiding humidity at all costs. =)
-Dad, Cmonster, Sadie, Jesse, Sugar and the chickens are doing fantabulously well. They found a bald eagle in their driveway a few weeks back.
-Craig lives in West Blocton.
-Leah just turned 8 and is about to start back at school. You can check out her blog by following the links on the right side of this page. I miss that little squishy tushy. =) Mom and I just took her back to ABQ after spending a few weeks with her.
Still to come:
Haynes Family Visit Pictures
Pope Family Visit Pictures
Leah's Bday