I'm not really much into talking right now. I think I am all talked out. 11 Days into deployment and the Lord has really kept my mind preoccupied. I'm meeting all kinds of new and wonderful people, volunteering more at church, and am meeting one on one with a fabulous woman named Winter who loves the Lord. I still make my obligatory trips to the beach every other day. :) Someone's gotta do it. And of course the pregnancy hormones are in full swing, so you never know what you're going to get (or who). I've definitely been crying way more easily...not sure if that is b/c of the hormones or Dave.
Of course when Dave leaves, I have NO VISITORS lined up at all! But, the Lord gently reminds me of a fabulous verse in Hosea 5 where He says, "I will allure her into the dessert and there I will speak tenderly to her." I'm glad I have nothing or no one to run to, He is stretching me and guiding me into a deeper relationship with Him. I only wished it didn't take deployment to teach me these lessons. I'm embarrassed to admit that.
Baby Tyson (no we still cannot agree on a name, please pray the Lord gives Dave wisdom and discernment b/c he has not taste ;) j/k), is doing well. I call her my little Mexican jumping bean. I can't find my ultra sound pictures, but as soon as I find them I'll post them. Here is the most recent belly shot.
So he is gone??? We will keep you both in our prayers!!! The big 'D' is coming up for us soon, and I dread it so much!!! Can't even imagine what you're going through! Baby Tyson is a girl? Yay!! So exciting! You look so stinkin cute! Cutest prego woman ever! Hang in there Carrie, you're in my thoughts and prayers!
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